Prior to the release of examination dates by the Federal Government for all Government-owned National Examination bodies on July 29, 2020, the JUPEB authorities have been
in touch with the Ministry of Education. Following this, we have been able to come up
with the examination schedule for the 2020 JUPEB Examinations.
Download JUPEB 2020 Timetable
Click on the link to download the JUPEB 2020 examination timetable on your device
The examination date has been fixed to hold from Monday, September 7 to Friday
September 18, 2020. This will be preceded with a four—week revision from August 10 to
September 4, 2020.
Each JUPEB Centre is expected to adequately and sufficiently manage situations during
the revision weeks and the examination period. Each Centre is at liberty to either
continue with the online teaching or allow the students to come to school in batches, to
avoid all the students on the school premises at the same time. This advice may be
useful for centres with high number of students. The Government will be monitoring our
activities and no Centre should give room for any negative report that will indict JUPEB
The Examination Time table will be released by Friday August 7 together with
Instruction to Practicals and oral Papers.
The JUPEB new timetable for the September to be released on Friday 7th.
This is to inform you that 2020 JUPEB Examination is now fixed for Sept 7 -18.
We shall be sending email by noon tomorrow to all Vice Chancellors of JUPEB centres and copy the Centre Directors.
Centre Directors are to pay close attention to the following:
1. Each Centre is expected to compulsorily check the temperature of the Students,
Invigilators and Supervisors daily.
2. Provide hand sanitizers for Students invigilators and Supervisors in addition to
hand washing point before entry into the Examination hall.
3. Every candidate, invigilator, the supervisor must wear a face mask throughout the
examination period. Supervisors will be mandated to enforce this and Centre
Director should enforce the same.
4. The sitting arrangement must be at least one-metre distance apart as contained in
the NCDC regulations of social and physical distancing. Therefore Centres are
expected to get large halls for the examination.
5. Centre Directors are to furnish the Registrar/CEO with the information on the
halls that will be used for examination with all the parameters indicated. This is
expected for submission not later than Tuesday, August 18. (See Attachment) I.
6. Centres that could not provide large halls that will be equal to the number of
Supervisors that they are due to have will be charged for extra supervisors
posted to them. Such Centre will be notified. Note that the margin is 1 supervisor
per 500 candidates with a proviso that the examination venue can take at least
300 candidates seated for examination.
7. All other JUPEB instructions still stand. Please see attached instructions for the
conduct of the JUPEB Examination.
We, therefore, expect every University JUPEB Centre to begin preparations to ensure that
we have a very successful examination in 2020. Each centre shall be held responsible
for any lapse in that centre. The cooperation of everyone is highly required.