How To Apply For JUPEB Registration Programme

To register for JUPEB, candidates should follow these instructions for the successful registration

1 Print the JUPEB form out at >>>

2. Fill the form with CAPITAL letters and make sure all your biodata are filled correctly, and attach your passport having a red background on the designated area on the form.

3. On the form, tick your preferred JUPEB centre, and also indicate if you are interested in our hostel or not

4. Pay the sum of the application fee, which is #15,000 to the following account details:l

Account Number: Alevel Registration

Account Name: Make payment online only at

Online payment only: Online payment – payment only

5. After payment of the registration fee,  scan both the teller and filled form to within 24 hours, your centre details, the date for your online screening will be sent to you. Candidates should be prepared for lectures, that would start by September 2016. For all our fees breakdown, please visit JUPEB school fees

6. Once the lectures have started for the 2016/2017 in all our centres, the syllabus will be sent to the registered candidates who register JUPEB programme through us at

7. If you  have seen this page, check when is JUPEB form closing date for this ongoing registration

Form can be printed out JUPEB application form 

The official website for JUPEB is, where candidates can check their results, once it is released by the JUPEB governing board